Murmuration near Shoveler Pond in the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge

A murmuration is a huge group of starlings that twist, turn, swoop and swirl across the sky in beautiful shape-shifting clouds, usually before dusk. Scientists believe it gives them protection in numbers from predators as they can’t singhle out one bird as prey. It is not yet known how each bird knows which way to turn without bumping into the others. I had the privilege to watch a murmuration of thousands of birds that formed like a curtain of birds. It was an amazing view and the images here do not do justice to what it looked like in reality.

Shoveler Pond in the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Smith Oaks Sanctuary and Bolivar Peninsula

Back in Texas I visited the above mentioned areas, the SMith Oaks Sanctuary I visited before in the spring time. The Bolivar Peninsula was supposed to be full with birds but during my visit there were very few around. I still found some interesting species and again some birds I never photographed before.

Barnegat area and Cloverdale Farm Country Park, New Jersey

I traveled specially to the Barnegat Lighthouse area to photograph Harlequin ducks. Well, I didn’t see any, not even one, but I did take photos of various other birds, some of which I had never captured before.

Ospreys around Cape May, New Jersey

The area around Cape May as well as the east coast of New Jersey is known for the many Ospreys. Some of the photos were taken in the Edwyn B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refugee and the others were taken on a boat trip around the area of the harbour of Cape May. The images of the osprey flying succeeded particularly well.

Various birds on east coast of New Jersey

While taking photos of the ospreys I found various other interesting birds in the same areas as described above

Whooping cranes, Rockport, Port Aransas, Texas

I visited this place specially to see and photograph the whooping cranes. There are only around 800 alive in the wild. In the summer they live in Canada and in the winter they migrate to the Gulf of Mexico. They chose their mate for life during the 4th year of their life and each year return to exactly the same territory, usually with one or two chicks. There are also photos of pelicans and several other birds (unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and it was mostly either foggy or grey sky).

Smith Oaks Sanctuary, Houston, Texas

I visited this sanctuary specially to photograph the roseate spoonbill which is a beautiful bird. I was pleasantly surprised how approachable the birds were due to the water separating them from the viewers and the few people present at the time. I also was lucky to visit at a time the birds had young chicks in their nests and in particular the heron has got two chicks just born as well as an egg in it’s nest. In the bottom part of this section I have put most of the roseate spoonbill images.

Brazos Bent State Park, Houston, Texas

In this park I found the roseate spoonbill feeding it’s chicks as well as several more species of birds

White Rock Lake Park, Dallas, Texas

Hagerman National Wildlife Refugee, Sherman, Texas

Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, McKinney, Texas

Elmer W. Oliver Nature Park, Mansfield, Texas

Trinity River Audubon Center, Dallas, Texas


Birds in Israel